Friday, May 1, 2009

Let's all just be honest; most of our lives have too much clutter. I know mine does. There are three types of clutter. Mind Clutter, Physical Clutter, and Busy Clutter.
Mind clutter is the worst, because it contains all three types in one. It's all the To Do Lists we make (the ones we finished, the ones we are suppose to be doing, the ones we have to do soon), all the guilt, all the stress, all the worry.
Next there's Physical Clutter: the stuff we can't live without, the stuff we're saving to give to that special person, the stuff we don't want anymore but can't bare to throw out, and the stuff that we are intending to throw out/recycle/restore. Unfortunately, we spend so much time cleaning/organizing/storing/planning all this stuff that we never have the time (or the space!) to get to all these projects that we are so vehemently protecting.
Then let's not forget the Busy Clutter. The errands, laundry, gardening, chores, cleaning, maintenance, cooking, leftover classwork/take home work, pets, spouces, children... The list goes on and on.
And of course, before we can have Busy Clutter or Physical Clutter, it has to be added to the lists on our Mind Clutter!
It's just something to think about. How each aspect of our lives affects all the others. If we want to have better lives, we have to realize how integrated it all is.

1 comment:

  1. This is so very true!!! I could not have said it any better.
